Wednesday 1 January 2014

Review of 2013

New Years Day - 1st January 2014

Happy new year!  

Today should have been our traditional family get together in Lymington for a walk along the coast but unfortunately the weather had other ideas.  Had I been Noah with an ark I would have been happy but with just wellies and waterproof coats we didn't feel adequately prepared for the torrential rain and wind.  Several times on the drive to Lymington via Lyndhurst and Brockenhurst we encountered floods across the whole of the main roads - not good. 

Last year there were lots of highlights on this blog.  These included the lovely scenes in the snow in January, watching seals and gannets in the sea on holiday in April and seeing the returning swallow/house martin/swifts also in early April.  We have visited Southampton Common on numerous occasions this year and we have got to know it quite well, it has been particularly nice keeping an eye on a family of swans as the cygnets have grown during the year.  A highlight of the summer months was the Go! Rhinos trail in Southampton city centre as this provided us with hours of walking and plenty of photo opportunities!  

A low was finding a dead buzzard in March, I have never been so close to one, it was beautiful and much bigger than I thought but dead! 

We have continued to geo cache throughout the year and successfully found 293 caches, not many by some people's standards but we're not obsessive about it and that number keeps us busy enough!

Mileage wise I walked 615 miles in 2013 according to my trusty pedometer that I wear every time we go out for a 'proper' walk. I feel very epic!!!  The trouble is I will now want to beat that total this year. We've been to many new places walking this year and of course re-visited lots of old favourites, I look forward to doing the same in 2014.

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