Friday 17 January 2014

Black caps

Friday 17th January 2014

Over the last few days in our garden we have seen briefly another winter visitor, well two winter visitors, two male black caps.  We usually see them around this time of year for a while, so hopefully they'll hang around for just over a week for when we do the RSPB Garden Birdwatch.

We had a visit to Swanage yesterday, involving lots of driving between home, Swanage and Poole, resulting in over four hours in the car.  One highlight however was seeing deer on a wooded area at the side of a main road happily munching.  At first I thought they were goats as they were on a really steep slope and it took my brain a while to process the that fact they weren't goats or dirty sheep but deer.  I couldn't say what type of deer they were as it was such a quick glimpse and no-one else in the car saw them but I'll keep an eye out for them next time we are this way.  

One other highlight was getting back to Swanage late afternoon to a fantastic rainbow, it was spread out ahead of us and we could see the whole arch, it was fantastic, just what we needed.

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