Tuesday 14 January 2014

Between Valley Park and Chilworth

Tuesday 14th January 2014

A few words would sum up this afternoon's rather lovely walk - mud, fallen trees, cows and  a yellow helicopter.  We went looking for two geocaches, luckily finding both easily,  this was the view from the first cache.

Blue sky again.

A little further along the footpath we came across plenty of this .......

mud! Luckily we didn't have to go through this field, although there was a fair amount of squelching on the footpath itself.

A beautiful cow with blonde curly highlights, who unfortunately was in the above muddy field.

and his friends.

Our next obstacle was two fallen trees together across the footpath, a pine tree and a silver birch there was no way round, under or over them so we had to go through them.  Like you do!! 

Having found the second cache we went back through the fallen trees (literally) and had just passed the cows when a helicopter flew over quite low, it had 'electricity' on the side of it and it seemed to be checking out the pylons and cables.

Helicopter passing by and check out that blue sky!

Hovering, taking a closer look?

A very pleasant two mile walk, close to home, with plenty to see, just what I like!

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