Saturday 4 January 2014

Floods and Fallen Trees on Southampton Common

Saturday 4th January 2014

The heavy rain and strong winds are taking their toll on Southampton Common, with water running across footpaths and puddles everywhere.  The poor trees have had a bit of a battering with trees down as well as numerous large branches, it must be keeping someone with a chainsaw very busy!  

At this point the water was running quite fast across the path.

It was pouring with rain at this point!

In the rain we did a quick lap of the common, taking in the fact that the awful weather doesn't stop the fishermen fishing on the Ornamental Lake - crazy!  Mind you they probably thought the same about us.  

The family of swans on the lake are still looking good, with the cygnets almost completely white.

Cygnet in the rain, with lots of big droplets pooling on it's back.

A tree had fallen across the car park, luckily there was no car underneath it!

One benefit of going out in the rain is that there were very few people out and about on the common apart from the dog walkers who are obviously a hardy bunch.

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