Monday 27 January 2014

Hot News - A Redpoll!

Monday 27th January 2014

This afternoon on the bird feeder in the garden we had a little visitor that I didn't recognise.  I managed to get a really good look at the bird as it munched happily for about ten minutes.   I had to look it up in my bird books and it was most definitely a redpoll probably a lesser redpoll but it may have been a common redpoll.  It was a similar size to a goldfinch, with a bright red bit on it's head, sparrow like brown wings with a white band on and a pinkish colour on the top of it's chest.  

I am easily pleased and we haven't seen one of these in the garden before, apparently they are often seen with siskins and we do have a few of these about at the moment. It's a shame we didn't see it over the weekend as we were recording for the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch but never mind that's the way things go!!

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