Thursday 2 January 2014

Between Calmore and Ower

Thursday 2nd January 2014

As it wasn't raining this afternoon we decided to head out for a bit of geocaching and make the most of not getting wet - well at least not until we were nearly back to the car.  The theme of the small circuit we did today was Halloween, with some inventive cache containers all well hidden of course, here are a couple of examples.

Some sort of bracket fungus?

At one point I came over all arty farty and tried photographing something different, looking up into BLUE sky!

Mud - here we go again!

I should have known how muddy it would be after the amazing amount of rain we have had over the last 10 days or so - it may have been longer than that as I have lost track of days and weather. It was most definitely a wellie walk, walking boots would have suffered.

Five geocaches later, we walked on back, getting rained on once again along the final section of footpath back to the car.  Never mind, it was nice to get out in the fresh air.

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