Tuesday 21 January 2014

Cold in Swanage

Tuesday 21st January 2014

Today we spent the day in Swanage visiting family and had a couple of walks, one after lunch and one in the early evening.  We had a nice lunch in a restaurant overlooking the sea which was calm in the bay and looked quite rough further out to sea.  

Swanage at this time of year is lovely as there are very few people about - I'm not one for crowds!

Looking towards Ballard Down and Ballard Point with not a person in sight - fantastic!

Looking towards Peveril Point, still no people.

Looking along the beach.

Swanage Pier

Swanage at 7pm, think cold, very cold!

By late afternoon the rain that had been forecast started, but once it stopped this evening it seemed like a good idea to have another swift walk, but oh my, we didn't realise how much the wind had got up and it was absolutely freezing, my head felt like it was shrinking!!!
You can't imagine how cold it was along the seafront in this photo, I had no end of trouble keeping the camera still the wind was so strong. Funnily enough there were more people on the beach this evening than there were at lunchtime, mainly dog walkers making the most of the fact that it had stopped raining.  It felt quite tropical once we walked back through the town centre away from the seafront.  Then it was back to the warmth of the car and time to go home.

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