Sunday 5 January 2014

Minstead in the Rain

Sunday 5th January 2014

To sum up this afternoons walk at Minstead - rainy, wet and very muddy!  

We decided to venture out despite the weather to try and find a fairly new geocache.  Well, I reckon that Tarzan and Jane must have set this one as there were no footpaths to the cache and most of the way there was cross country.  It's amazing how many fallen trees there are in the New Forest, not that have fallen lately, some have been down for many years, but we must have come across all of the fallen trees in this area and had to either climb over them or head through holly bushes to avoid them.  

Looking up through an old oak, with rain on the camera lens.

It's amazing what you come across in the  middle of nowhere, there was no sign of any other bricks or old building, just these few bricks...... odd.

Some sort of fungus, bright orange and very pretty on a dull afternoon.

Luckily after tromping around cross country we found the cache quickly and took the easier route back to the car along a country lane, then came on home to dry out!  All of this rain is wearing just a little bit thin now, enough is enough I feel and I have had enough!

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