Friday 24 January 2014

Otterbourne & Snowdrops

Friday 24th January 2014

This afternoon we chose to stay fairly close to home and went to look for two geocaches in Otterbourne, one of which we had to find answers to clues in the churchyard and the other was in some woods along a very muddy slippery uphill path!  It was a dull and dreary afternoon with light drizzle in the air but it was nice to spot a bit of colour in the flower beds and snowdrops just coming into flower in the churchyard.

The Otterbourne village sign located in front of the church.

Some winter colour at last at the lych gate leading into the churchyard.

My favourites, snowdrops amongst the graves.

St Matthews church

It was a dull afternoon and inside the church it was very dark but this window with the light coming through looked magnificent.  We had a quick look round - I'd like to come back on a brighter day to have a proper look - it was a very lovely place.

The camera flash made it look quite light inside! I reckon it must look very atmospheric with the candles lit.

In the woods we spotted this fungus which I thought looked like a bird about to take flight.

We successfully found both of the caches we went looking for, well, one had been 'muggled' ie found by non-cachers and the contents were strewn around the cache site so we had to do a bit of a tidy up there and report back our findings to the owners when we got home.   

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