Sunday 12 January 2014

Deer Day at Stoney Cross

Sunday 12th January 2014

We awoke this morning to a hard frost but it disappeared all of a sudden at about 9am, it was really weird, there one minute gone completely the next.

We had a walk this morning at Stoney Cross, one of our regular spots, where there is an old oak tree that our son has liked and photographed since he was young - he is 22 now! (in fact we had his 18th birthday family picnic here).   We have photos of this tree in all seasons and weather - apart from the snow - I do NOT do snow!!!!

'Adam's tree'.

We walked through a woodland where the trees are mainly beech and we have noticed over the years that the moss seems to love this area, it looks so lovely lush and soft at this time of year amongst all of the dull hard landscape.

Lots of lush green moss.

The beech wood, with moss around the bottom of each tree.

At this point despite it being very wet underfoot, we saw the first few deer of the morning in the trees in the distance.  I zoomed in as best as I could but my epic little camera isn't really capable of decent photos from such a distance, still never mind it's possible to see the deer, these stags I think are roe deer?

It's just possible to see their large antlers!

After this point we saw lots of deer, fallow and roe but because we were sloshing and squelching our way around everywhere, we couldn't do much stealth so the deer were always one or probably quite a few steps ahead of us and we kept seeing them running across in front of us at speed.  We must have seen near on sixty deer, we saw one group of eighteen, a group of twenty seven and a smaller group of about twelve. It was most definitely a day for deer - I think we must have scared them all witless and they certainly got plenty of exercise, not that they need it!!

Parts of the old airfield used in the second world war still remain.

Mud and water everywhere - here's a little factoid - according to our local weather station, we have had rain every day since the 9th December apart from the 28th - must be about time it stopped then!

I thought at this point that it seemed to be getting brighter, but once out of the woods, there was a fine misty drizzle and cold wind so it was good to get back to the car for a coffee.  Yum.

Proof that it was still cold..... ice.

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