Friday 10 January 2014


Friday 10th January 2014

We haven't been out anywhere exciting lately, hence the lack of posts, however I do have a few things to report.  Firstly, the sun came out yesterday morning and what a difference it made, everything looked colourful and bright instead of dull and grey - there was even a lovely blue sky!  In fact, apart from a very brief shower this morning (whilst we were sale shopping in the West Quay) there hasn't been a lot of rain for a couple of days now.  

Having sale shopped we then had to fight with the terrible traffic problems in the centre of Southampton, (caused apparently because there are five cruise ships in today) luckily I found a good route to avoid most of it.  At one of the main sets of traffic lights on the way out of Southampton we usually find ourselves waiting for ages in a filter lane alongside a few bushes in the central reservation. These bushes always have sparrows in them, summer or winter, they sing away (or as in today's case squawk away). Joining the sparrows today were quite a few long tailed tits, flitting from one side of the road to the other, seemingly oblivious of the traffic!

Back in our own garden we have all the usual bird visitors, but there are a few pairs around at the moment, which makes a change.  We have pairs of robins, blue tits, pied wagtails (winter visitors) blackbirds and great tits.  I don't remember seeing a pair of robins for a while - baby robins fingers crossed- lovely!

Hopefully this weekend we will get out walking in the fresh air and hopefully sunshine - you never know!

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