Saturday 1 February 2014

Lordswood, Southampton

Saturday 1st February 2014

We didn't go far for today's walk as we wanted to try and find a couple of geocaches a few miles from home.  We had a quickish two mile walk around the woods at Lordswood where it was quite quiet - we saw a couple of people walking and a few young lads racing around on motorbikes.  

A bit of cheerful green amongst the dull winter colours.

Tree roots, an ideal place to hide a geocache.

The first cache was located easily enough - note the 'be prepared' umberella standing to attention ready for action!  We had a couple of short sharp showers but nothing to worry about but as it has been so wet over the last few monthes there was acres of mud and water about.

Same old stuff!

We spent a fair while looking for the second geocache we had planned to do but the GPS signal was all over the place under the trees and the hint was very vague so we looked everywhere we thought likely but with no joy.  It looks like we'll be back again for another go at this one, we are not going to be beaten!

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