Sunday 9 February 2014

Winchester & Floods

Sunday 9th February 2014

We had a shopping trip to Winchester this morning and on the way we saw plenty of evidence of flooding over the last few days. There were quite a few houses in Hursley having water pumped out of basements and some of the lanes still had large puddles across them.  In Winchester itself  the River Itchen has burst it's banks and the park alongside it has been closed.  I've never seen it like this before and plenty of other people were stopping off at the bridge overlooking the park to take photos.

A bad photo of The River Itchen in Winchester - taken into the sun - with the floods to the right of the fencing.

On the opposite side of the road Winchester City Mill is flooded and closed until further notice - there was plenty of water there too!

Winchester City Mill
Even the dark door on the left of the photo had water flowing out from under it.

It made a change to have a dry day and to see blue sky.

Another view from further on in the park.

It would have been rude not to include a photo of King Alfred's Statue!

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