Tuesday 25 February 2014

Corfe Castle & Swanage

Monday 24th February 2014

The plan today was to do a bit of geocaching and get a quick walk in before visiting family in Swanage, but unfortunately the weather wasn't on our side so we had a change of plan.  We stopped off at a fantastic view point not far from Corfe Castle but the view was less than inspiring as we were high up in the cloud and mist.

Things rapidly deteriorated and the planned walk didn't happen.

In the bright bit in the distance is the sea with Portland Bill just about visible.  We'll have to return here in better weather - if we ever get any better weather that is!

As we drove downhill slightly we came out of the cloud and thing's were a lot clearer.  Here is Corfe Castle from a back lane.  I was pleased to see that there were lots of lovely Herdwick sheep on the steep slopes up to the castle today - they have the most fantastic little faces, all smiley and happy.

In the afternoon the rain stopped briefly so we went in to Swanage for a breath of fresh air.

Swanage pier.

We parked near the pier and walked out to Peveril Point and back then along to the beach for a quick look.  It was deserted in the town apart from a couple of school parties and a few locals, just how I like it.

Moody Swanage.

Near Swanage lifeboat station.

A welcome bit of colour (I thought there was a bumble bee on the flower  on the left but after zooming in it appears to be a moth.

A mosaic on the pavement outside a fish and chip shop.

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