Monday 10 February 2014


Monday 10th February 2014

It was forecast to be a dry day - we now know this was a lie!! - so we decided to go caching in Nomansland in the New Forest. About a mile from the car it started to rain and it rained quite hard so we took shelter under the trees for a while until the blue sky returned and the sun came back out. Having found the first cache and sheltered for a while we came across this monkey puzzle tree - not something we see very often.

A monkey puzzle tree. 

(The monkey puzzle tree, originally from South America, is so-called after the owner of a specimen in 19th century Britain suggested that it's unusual branches would puzzle even a monkey to climb).

The second geocache was a multi which means we had to find information at various points to find the eventual location of the cache.  One of the places we had to go to was the war memorial on the village green.

The Well of Sacrifice.

We had to get info from the roll of honour - for such a small village there were a lot of names.

Then in the forest we had to find a number on a bat box.

The so called footpaths at the moment are a bit of a challenge to say the least!

Wellies essential!

Someone's been busy.

The cache was located near this stream which has cut quite a deep ravine in the ground.

In this wooded part we saw and heard lots of birds, we saw, a lesser spotted woodpecker, a tiny little goldcrest, blue tits, great tits, starlings, a buzzard high up in the sky, robins, blackbirds, a nuthatch creeping up a tree and either a marsh tit or a willow tit (apparently the main difference is in their call .........well, no chance!!!!!).  Back at the village green we saw a few song thrushes and a pair of redwings.

A redwing and ........

a song thrush.

Two caches found, three miles walked, lots of birds seen and we survived an unexpected heavy shower of rain!

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