Sunday 2 February 2014

Ocknell, New Forest

Sunday 2nd February 2014

There was a cold brisk wind blowing this morning across the heath at Ocknell in the New Forest, but at least it was dry  there was even a glimpse of sunshine and blue sky).  We set off through the Ocknell camp site  which is closed at this time of year and it did seem quite odd not to see caravans and tents dotted around and the buildings all boarded up.  With no campers about it was easy to see the old Stoney Cross airfield service roads and aircraft hard standings.  

These two ponies stood motionless watching us as we walked through - they looked a bit like a pair of identical sentries!

If we don't move maybe they won't notice us!

The old airfield service roads and aircraft hard standings.

We walked through the woodland as far as the A31 then headed back across the heath to Ocknell Pond which was full to capacity today.

There was quite a lot of traffic noise from the A31 at this point but it was a very pleasant spot though.

Lots of funky hillocks and bumpiness.

Blue sky!

Surface water and .......
.......more surface water.

Ocknell Pond - full to over flowing.

The fresh air certainly blew the cobwebs away this morning and it was good to see the sun if only briefly.  We didn't see much in the way of wildlife though, there were plenty of ponies and shetland ponies about but we didn't see a single deer despite seeing plenty of their footprints in the mud.  

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