Saturday 22 February 2014

Longdown Again - Caching!

Saturday 22nd February 2014

We managed to crack the answer to a puzzle cache today based on breeds of dogs, (I had absolutely no idea there were so many!) and the co-ordinates took us back to Longdown, somewhere we had been just over a week ago.  We didn't go out until late on in the afternoon, but luckily we found the cache easily and then had a quick walk.  

A sandy track with no mud!

More fallen trees with massive roots.

In one area, controlled burning was taking place.

Controlled burning and forest operations are taking place.

Not something you see everyday in the New Forest.
Just a little further on there were lots of young trees growing, which was good to see after the devastation earlier.

The sun started to go down and the air got cooler.

Shortly after this a large dog charged at us through a stream and disgusting green brown mud and it jumped up at me and made me very muddy, what did the owners in the distance do or say - NOTHING! How angry was I?  I have to say I left them in no doubt as to how angry I was.  I don't dislike dogs but why is it that dog owners don't get the fact that not everyone out walking wants to say hello or be bothered by their dogs.  Anyway, that's my rant over with, as the saying goes, I must let it go .................

PS  Driving home near Colbury, I'm fairly sure that I saw a muntjac deer on the far side of a field, munching happily.  Muntjac deer are the smallest of all UK deer - adults stand approximately 45cm at the shoulder - the muntjac deer of the New Forest are apparently very few in number and extremely hard to find, so I'm now not so sure if it was one.

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