Thursday 13 February 2014

Longdown - A Squally Hail Shower & Fallen Trees

Thursday 13th February 2014

We had a walk today from Longdown, where we met an English Bull Terrier by the name of Pippa - the name didn't somehow match the look of the dog - think Bullseye in Oliver!  Pippa looked quite overweight but came wandering over to see us, she looked like the sort of dog you could have a chat with and I don't often think that.

We went to look for a geocache and found it with ease then suddenly a cold wind whipped up and we had a heavy shower of hail, let's say the fir trees did little to shelter us.  Talking of wind and trees, there were an alarming amount of fallen fir trees all over the enclosure, not just one here and there, but groups of trees, large ones, here are some ......

........such a shame.

Water everywhere.

Just as soon as the hail started it stopped, the wind calmed down and blue sky appeared.

This lovely pony stood in the sunshine drying off for ages, cars arriving and leaving had to squeeze round behind him/her, he/she wasn't moving for anyone - a hazard of the New Forest.

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