Monday 3 February 2014

Holmbridge, Swanage and Durlston

Monday 3rd February 2014

On the way to Swanage this morning we stopped off at a favourite spot, Holmbridge near Wool to try and find a geocache.  The River Frome was in full flow unsurprisingly given all the rain we have had over the past two months!!!  It was only a short walk to the cache which we successfully found quickly, luckily, as there was a proper cold wind.  

The River Frome at Holmbridge.

We had lunch at the Scott Arms at Kingston near Corfe Castle and very nice it was too, yummy even.  We were expecting it to be quiet on a Monday lunchtime but it was quite busy so presumably we all had the same idea.There was a cosy log fire burning and the pub had a faint aroma of wood smoke - really lovely.  Below is the fantastic view from the pub garden, looking towards Corfe Castle.

Corfe Castle in the centre of the photo and Poole Harbour  in the background.

After a filling lunch we had to try and walk some of it off, so we had a stop off at Swanage to watch the waves.  It's normally quite calm in Swanage Bay but not today, the waves had even created large amounts of foam which was blowing along the sand - at one stage a little dog was having great fun zooming along the beach chasing (and eating) bits of flying foam.


Rough conditions for Swanage, the photo does it no justice.

More frothy foam, which had just splatted on the camera lens (left side of photo).

After our stop off at Swanage, we moved on to Durlston Country Park where we had a bit more very fresh air and a look round the new information centre and exhibtion at Durlston Castle.
The lighthouse at Durlston.

Words - on the path down to the castle there are lots of things to read.

Looking towards Old Harry Rocks from Durlston Castle.

The entrance to the castle.

After this it was time for a decent cup of tea.  

We were going to have another walk before leaving for home at about 7pm but the forecasted rain had started and we didn't fancy getting wet and driving home in wet clothes so we abandoned that idea - but the thought was there!!!

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