Tuesday 31 December 2013

Poole Quay

Tuesday 31st December 2013

I had a walk along the Quay at Poole this afternoon.  It's not a place I have been to before but it's somewhere I will come back to and explore properly when we have more time.  It was dull and overcast (but at least it had stopped raining) so my photos are a bit uninspiring and colourless.

Nice, if you can afford it, obviously quite a few can as there were many large luxury boats (should I be calling them something posher than boats?)

A Padstow registered fishing boat in the foreground with Brownsea Island in the background.

Just imagine a strong smell of fish and you're almost there amongst the pots!

There are signs of brightness in the sky, looks almost promising (and so it was when I got back to the car!)

On the way back I passed this lovely old hardware shop, with goods spilling out over the pavement, it reminded me of Arkwrights shop in Open All Hours.

Finally, I am celebrating one year of blogging, (I started one year ago yesterday) and it's been great. Here's to the next year.

Happy New Year!

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