Sunday 15 December 2013

Bolderwood and Bratley Wood

Sunday 15th December 2013

We had a pleasant but wet walk this morning starting from  the Bolderwood car park.  There is a useful deer observation platform overlooking a couple of fields not far from the car park but unfortunately today maybe due to the weather there were very few deer visible.  

Starting off from Bolderwood in the misty rain.

Five deer just visible in the distance.

The rain got steadily harder as we got further from the car but it didn't stop us finding a fairly newly placed geocache under one of the many  very large fallen trees in this area.

Rain on the lens!

I had a chat with a friendly local!

Getting murkier by the minute!

We came across this memorial stone on the way back,placed by the Forestry Commission,  the sides were beautifully engraved with different animals birds  and plants found in the New Forest.
A couple of seasonal engravings
An owl with very expressive eyes.

Then it was back to the car and time to get home and dry out.

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