Sunday 22 December 2013

Family Christmas Walk and Picnic

Sunday 22nd December 2013

Yesterday was very wet and windy and tomorrow is forecast to be as bad but today we were very fortunate to have a dry bright day for our annual family Christmas walk and picnic (with a duck race and treasure hunt thrown in for good measure!).  We met up at Anderwood car park near Burley in the New Forest and had a short walk to the River Blackwater, which eventually becomes the Lymington River.  We have had a great deal of rain lately so the river that we were planning to use for the duck race was swollen and quite deep (too deep for wellies!) so having put a test duck down it we decided to use a smaller more sedate stream.

Blinged  up ducks - mine was the Christmas duck and it came last in both races - I blame the scarf it was definitely not streamlined!

The test duck - stuck!

You can't beat a good bit of cheating - my duck is still back at the starting line in the background.

Proof that there was a blue sky!

Following a walk, we had a picnic lunch and got competitive over a treasure hunt - a great pre-Christmas family get together, with lots of laughing and silliness, just the job.

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