Monday 31 October 2016

Pig Bush, Nr Beaulieu Road Station

31st October 2016

It's been a while since we last had a walk in the New Forest so as we had some time free today we made the effort and got out to see the magic autumnal colours.  We picked a walk where we could do a bit of geocaching at the same time and luckily found the two we set out to find. We parked at Pig Bush car park, near Beaulieu Road Station and walked through Halfpenny Green and Tantany Wood.  One of the good things about geocaching is that it gets us off the beaten track, literally, and on these cross country routes this morning we spotted lots of fab fungi.  The smell in the Forest is just scrummy at this time of year, all earthy and fresh. We are very lucky to spend a great deal of time on the lovely Dorset coast, but you really can't beat the New Forest.

A carpet of small silver birch leaves.

Just look up!

As I said, geocaches are very often located in the middle of nowhere, however it was a very lovely spot and I did catch a falling leaf here so I believe that's a bit of good luck coming my way!

This colourful Oak tree was just changing colour.

I really like this photo, with dew on the grass and the sun's rays coming through in the background

There were a few of these in one area, and all had been nibbled.

There were many scarlet berries on the holly bushes, adding more autumnal colour.  The red looked even more dramatic against the white bark of the silver birch tree and the lovely deep blue sky.  

We walked about three miles, saw some fantastic colours, berries, fungi and today's best bird spot was a tree creeper which we saw whilst looking for a woodpecker that we heard banging on a tree.

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