Thursday 13 October 2016

Penrose Estate, Loe Pool to Loe Bar

Thursday 13th October 2016

We had another lovely walk today of about 5.5 miles through woodland and alongside loe Pool to the sea. We walked through the Penrose Estate ( the house is privately owned but the public can walk/cycle/explore the gardens and lake).  There is a circuit of geocaches around the walk and we thought we'd have a good go at finding them, but we were either unable to find or unable to get to most of them!!!  We did however find eight successfully so all was not lost.

Penrose House (privately owned).

The walled garden is being developed, these pumpkins looked particularly good.

Loe Pool, for information on the lake see here

Whilst caching by the lake we spotted this cormorant, we also saw a heron fly by.

Geocaching takes us to some odd places!

The view over Loe Bar.

Lunch at Loe Bar, not a bad spot!!

On the other side of Loe Bar we could see this memorial, so we walked across the bar to see what it was all about and this was it..........

I can't claim to have made this, I just took a photo of it!

The highlight of the day was as we walked off of the beach and overlooked the sea, this seal swimming along the top of the water.  It was only there briefly before disappearing off below.

We then headed inland across fields and farmland, caching with a bit of success as we went, and back to the car.  I can highly recommend this walk, especially on a lovely day like today.

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