Sunday 9 October 2016

Polurrian Cove, Mullion

Sunday 9th October 2016

This afternoon we took to the South West Coast path for a short stroll to Polurrian Cove, a lovely small sheltered beach at Mullion.  We were extremely lucky with the weather again, blue sky and sunshine, the sea looked inviting so I had to have a paddle, well it would have been rude not to!

Looking towards Mullion Island.

I should have put something near this caterpillar to show it's size, it was quite a chunky number,and it was wriggling around in the middle of the footpath so we rescued it and moved it somewhere safer - I hope it didn't mind being diverted!

NB - Edited note!  I have looked this caterpillar up and it's a fox moth caterpillar. Apparently it overwinters under leaves and loose soil (it also said they are often seen basking in the sun on paths, well, they certainly are, I have nearly trodden on quite a few this week!)

The South West coast path.

Polurrian Cove.

Looks inviting, time for a paddle.

One of the nicest things about having a paddle is putting warm cosy socks back on, it's just a shame the sand has to be removed first, that was quite a game!

Mullion Island in the distance.

Boots back on we headed inland back to our holiday cottage for a welcome cup of tea.

There are still plenty of blackberries in the hedgerows, as well as

honeysuckle flowers and berries out at the same time, and

lots of wild fuchsias.

The weather forecast for tomorrow looks good, so fingers crossed we can have a day out walking along this beautiful coast.

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