Tuesday 11 October 2016

Mullion and Poldhu Cove

Tuesday 11th October 2016

We walked 5.5 miles today on two short walks.  The first one this morning was along the cliff path to Mullion where we had a look around the village and the lovely little church and the second this afternoon was to Poldhu Cove.  The weather was still dry but the wind was cooler so today the gloves and scarf got their first airing!!  - yesterday was t shirt weather, what a difference a day makes!

There are some fantastic old graves in the church yard, big old slate ones, dating back to the 1700's  that are still easily read.

Inside the church there are even older things, including this amazing carved screen and

medieval pews.

This door was absolutely massive with an equally massive keyhole, I can only guess at the size of the key!

Who lives in a hole like this?  We initially thought it was a fox but on the other side of the wall there's a large rabbit warren so we now think it's rabbit holes that are this big because the wall has collapsed into the hole.

Hot choccie for two at Podhu beach cafe. 

Then a walk along the beach.

Poldhu Cove from above on the walk back.

The footpath crosses a field of cows, this one however had ideas of escape it would seem....

...... once we came through the kissing gate, the cow thought it a good idea to follow.....

it certainly knew what it had to do, push the gate and walk in but .....

cows cannot fit throught a kissing gate!!!!!   10/10 for trying though!!
And so ends another day of walking in Cornwall.

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