Saturday 8 October 2016

Mullion, Cornwall

Saturday 8th October 2016

We arrived at our holiday cottage in Mullion, Cornwall late this afternoon in brilliant warm sunshine.  We made the most of the amazing view along the coast and the sunshine and sat outside, watching flocks of starlings and as yet unidentified little birds (we're on to it though) on the telegraph wires above us.  

NB The little birds are mainly linnets with a few meadow pipits in amongst them.

From this spot we watched....

......a kestrel (a female - with brown head)

with some very brave souls sitting above her!

It all suddenly got much louder when a kestrel turned up but funnily enough the little birds appeared to take very little notice of it.  Over the next hour the kestrel came and went a few times until the sun set but hopefully we'll see more of it over the next week.

NB - edited - I have read up on kestrels and they mainly eat mammals and only occasionally take small birds.


Many starlings with a kestrel sitting above them (top centre).

As it was getting dusky and we were moving back indoors a fox wandered by in the field in front of the garden, the photo isn't great but it was actually getting quite dark so the shutter stayed open for a while and things got a bit blurry!  

Then in front of us walked..........
..........this bundle of loveliness!

I'm really hoping we'll see even more epic wildlife over the next week but for now, so far so good, can't complain!

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