Monday 17 October 2016

Birds Spotted in Cornwall

Monday 17th October 2016

We were very lucky to see many birds last week during our stay in Cornwall. I mentioned in my blog last week about the number of kestrels we saw, they were everywhere we went!  I can also identify the male and female now, easy when you know how!!  The male has a grey head and the female has a brown one.  The other birds we saw lots of were linnets and starlings in flocks, frequently landing on telegraph wires outside the kitchen window. 

We kept an eye out for swallows, who by now must be thinking of flying back to Africa any day now.  We saw small groups of them again landing on the telegraph wire, some must have been young ones as they were definitely swallows because we could see the red bit on their necks but they didn't have the long tails like the adults.

Here's my list of the birds spotted:

  • Starling
  • Jackdaw
  • Crow
  • Buzzard
  • Robin
  • Kestrel
  • Magpie
  • Linnet
  • Meadow pipit
  • Herring gull
  • Rook
  • House sparrow
  • Raven
  • Wood pigeon
  • Goldfinch
  • Wren
  • Stone chat
  • Swallow
  • Black backed gull
  • Blackbird
  • Oyster catcher
  • Rock pipit
  • Gannet
  • Chaffinch
  • Blue tit
  • Cormorant
  • Heron
  • Great tit
  • Egret
  • Mallard
  • Mute swan
  • Long-tailed tit
  • Coot
  • Grey wagtail
  • Pheasant
  • Pied wagtail
  • Dunnock
  • Black headed gull

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