Monday 10 October 2016

Gunwalloe Fishing Cove via Poldhu Cove and Church Cove

Monday 10th October 2016

We had a fantastic 8 mile walk today along the South West coast path in glorious warm sunshine.  We have been visiting Cornwall in April over the last few years but this year we decided to see what it was like in autumn.  There seemed to be far fewer people walking along the coast but those that we did meet were very friendly and a few stopped for a chat, walkers are on the whole a friendly bunch! 

Poldhu Cove.

Church Cove.

Beautiful clear blue sea.

Signs of autumn are everywhere.

Porthleven Sands.  

We had a bit of trouble today finding a couple of geocaches along this stretch of the footpath, eventually though, the more persistent one of us succeeded!!  (and it wasn't me.... I had drifted and lost interest!!!)  The footpath in one place was very narrow and scarily close to the edge of the cliff with a sheer drop down to the beach, it wasn't great.  On the way back along this footpath we were overtaken by a cyclist on his mountain bike, who had ridden along the scary bit, he was either very epic or very stupid I can't decide which, but he seemed unperturbed by it when we had a quick chat.

A far more pleasant stretch of the path.

Portleven Sands, a vast stretch of sand with hardly a sole on it.

An old building that was used as a pilchard cellar, and just along the footpath were old winches used to bring the haul of pilchards up off of the beach.

Porthleven sands and Gunwalloe Cove.

Over the last couple of days we have seen  quite a few kestrels and today this one hovered directly over us,keeping his beady eye on something.   I didn't take this photo, my husband did with his fancy camera and I'm really pleased with it.

In the distance we could see a wind farm on the horizon, the turbines were rotating but slowly, there wasn't much wind at all today.

Back at Church Cove, this female kestrel was sitting on a post, fairly close, this time I took this photo!

Low tide in Church Cove.

We then walked back to Poldhu Cove and up the hill to our holiday cottage, a good 8 mile  walk done and dusted.

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