Friday 14 October 2016

Along the Cornish Coast to Mullion Harbour

Friday 14th October 2016

I have just realised this is post number 400 on my blog, it doesn't seem possible!

I can't believe it was yet another beautiful morning, we really can't complain about the weather this week, especially seeing as it's mid October.  We had a walk along the south west coast path to Polurrian Cove and on to Mullion Harbour where we stopped for a well earned hot chocolate and enormous piece of coffee and walnut cake, it was to die for!  We then walked inland to Mullion to visit a chocolate shop, well, it had to be done didn't it?  On the way we passed a field of llamas, not something we see in the countryside everyday!

Polurrian Cove.

We are staying at one of the houses in this pic, the one on the right on the skyline (with the trees to the left of it).

Mullion Island.

Mullion Harbour at low tide (not quite so picturesque with the tide out).

And from the other side of the harbour.

The llamas didn't seem overjoyed to see us.

Meanwhile, back at Pourrian the tide was on it's way in.

We spent about an hour relaxing on this beach, then out to sea we could see flippers splashing, it was these two swimming in to shore!  They swam in from I have no idea where, with harpoons and a few fish hanging off their belts.  It was a bit surreal, but good for them!

Well, that's another fab week done and dusted in this lovely part of Cornwall. We've walked many miles, eaten too much rubbish, enjoyed amazing weather and had a thoroughly relaxing week.  I have no doubt at all that we'll be back.

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