Sunday 3 August 2014

Farley Mount and Red Kites

Sunday 3rd August 2014

A view from close to the folly at Farley Mount.

We had a short walk at Farley Mount this afternoon and to be honest I couldn't really be bothered, until we we spotted 5 or 6 red kites flying above a valley and landing in the fields.  At one point they were quite close and we were able to clearly see their wing markings along with their distinguishing browny red v shaped tails.  You can't help but be lifted by the sight of these birds which not so long ago were very rare and now after being re-introduced are now seen more often.

The folly.

The monument is dedicated to a horse named 'Beware Chalk Pit', that is buried beneath the folly.

The red kites were flying above this field and landing occasionally in it.

The views are stunning from all around the highest point, with the cranes in Southampton Docks, the chimney at Fawley Power Station, the Isle of Wight and Fawley oil refinery clearly visible in the distance.

These apples are looking good,

as are the masses of sloes alongside the footpath.

I've always like the look of yew berries, that whole unreal waxy look.

About the Country Park.

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