Tuesday 12 August 2014

Swanage at the Height of the Season

Tuesday 12th August 2014

This evening after visiting family in Swanage we had a blustery walk along the beach and on to Peveril Point where there are good views overlooking the town and Bay.  I am not dead keen on Swanage in the Summer and it doesn't get much busier than in the school summer holidays. There were too many people about for my liking, and most of them it seemed were eating fish and chips!

A stealthy camouflaged young herring gull. (I wanted to take another photo that was zoomed in a bit more but a young child had other ideas and chased it away, so that was that!)

Even at 7pm there were a few hardy souls with their camps still set up behind wind breaks.

We walked uphill away from the people to where it was nice and quiet, overlooking Swanage.

Old Harry Rocks with Bournemouth beyond that.

Swanage Pier.

Fishing boats in the bay.

Moody Swanage.

It's Lifeboat Week in Swanage this week and although the lifeboat was all tucked up inside, this is the lifeboat station.

Then it was back through the people eating their fish and chips to the car and time to go home.

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