Wednesday 20 August 2014

Farley Mount - Again

Wednesday 20th August 2014

We last visited Farley Mount a couple of weeks ago when we saw red kites soaring high above the fields, so today we went to try and find them again, this time armed with binoculars and a decent camera.  Predictably as we came prepared we didn't see any!  However we found five geocaches and saw some spectacular views across the countryside which is beginning to look quite autumnal and golden yellow.

This is how we found today's first geocache, not particularly well hidden is it?!!

Looking north towards Andover way, across a beautifully ploughed golden field. (I have enlarged the photo to show the funky stripes)

There's definitely less green and more golden brown in the views now.

It's possible to see for miles from here.

A couple of weeks ago this field was bare soil, today it was tinged with new green growth,.  At this point we were looking in the distance and up high for any signs of red kites but whilst looking up we nearly missed this...

.... a small deer running across this large expanse of sweeping field! (taken by zooming in beyond the point of no return!!)

There are lots of seeds and berries in the hedgerows now,

autumns coming!

It was noticeably cooler this morning too, I wore jeans for the first time in ages, but by lunchtime the sun was hot and I wished I had worn my shorts, maybe summer will hang on for a bit longer.

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