Friday 29 August 2014

A Stealthy Heron and Legal Graffiti

Friday 29th August 2014

We had a very pleasant 3 mile extended walk around Southampton Common this morning that should only have taken 45 minutes but after various stops and photo opportunities took quite a bit longer.  Our first stop was not far into the walk at the Ornamental Lake, where a heron that we often see at this lake was moving very stealthily and slowly through the water.  The heron was up to it's body in the lake and it did look very odd - almost like it was floating like a duck! We never did see it catch a fish.

Stealth at the lake.

Getting deeper .......

then shallower!

These birds as I have said before are very odd, almost dinosaur like but they are quite graceful and lovely to watch, especially when you consider the Common is in the centre of the City.  

 This adult crow was soaking bread in water to give to it's baby - now that's very caring.

We saw plenty of magpies on the Common, this one was in the Cemetery - many of the birds are looking tatty as is usual at this time of year, this one looks better in the photo than it did in the flesh!

We used a subway under The Avenue where there are legal graffiti walls which are covered in the most amazing works of art that are constantly changing and well worth seeing.

I hope none of these say anything offensive!

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