Wednesday 20 August 2014

Ducklings and a Hedgehog

Tuesday 19th August 2014

I have a couple of quick notes from the last few days to share.  Firstly in Romsey on Monday I came across these two quite big ducklings sunning themselves at the edge of a river tucked away in the back streets, well worth a photo I thought.

Also in this very clear river were masses of tiny fish that I found a bit mesmerizing to watch.

Ducklings in the sunshine.

Here they are in the bottom right of the river and mum is halfway up the photo on the left keeping a watchful eye on them

The other thing I wanted to mention was that in eighteen months of walking in our neighbourhood very regularly (often in the dark) we have not until yesterday seen a hedgehog.  I was really pleased to see it running along the pavement, it stopped briefly when it saw us then scurried off under the nearest fence.  We used to see hedgehogs quite a bit on our front grass or they left evidence that they had been there, but we haven't seen one for some time, it's such a shame.

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