Wednesday 13 August 2014

Dibden Inclosure on the Edge of Beaulieu Heath

Wednesday 13th August 2014

We haven't walked very often in this part of the New Forest , mainly because we assumed that as it was on the edge of the Forest it would be busy with dog walkers (and there were quite a few).  There were two geocaches in the area that we wanted to try and find and this we did easily.  This was who we found at the first one.

About a dozen New Forest Ponies in the shade.

The name of the cache was Refinery View, and this was the view.

Fawley Refinery behind the flowering heather.

There's still mud and water about, in fact in places this walk was still quite boggy, goodness only knows what it's like after lots of rain like we had last winter! - I don't even want to go there!!

A Forest view on the way to the second cache, in the distance, although not visible in this picture, were cranes in Southampton Docks.

The heather is just coming out and the heath will soon be a carpet of pink, buzzing with bees.

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