Thursday 21 August 2014

Fritham Re-Visited

Thursday 21st August 2014

The day after our recent visit to Fritham three new geocaches were published in the very area we had been in the day before - that's just about right for us! - so we had a return visit to try and find them today.  Having got too hot in jeans yesterday I opted for shorts and t shirt today and got quite cold across the heath in the wind, but it was fine once we were back in amongst the trees and away from the breeze (it certainly didn't feel much like August!).

 Rare breeds drinking at Green Pond which we thought would have dried up by now but clearly hasn't.

Rare breeds in the heather.

Following on from yesterday, more berries, holly going orange.

The most exciting part of the walk was coming across a herd of about twenty odd fallow deer. They knew we were there but as we were some way off they seemed quite happy for us to observe, but kept an eye on us.

Fallow deer.
Showing off some pretty impressive headgear!
Quite a large male.

Then it was on with some serious caching, the three we found today were all up trees and needed some serious head scratching to retrieve them.  Luckily I had the very man with me to solve the problems - I probably would have given up!

The first cache of the day roughly 20 feet up a tree (tree climbing is no longer allowed to retrieve caches in the New Forest) this required a bit of pondering before we found a cunning pulley system to lower it to the ground - epic!

Another cache up another tree, experience in playing hook a duck came in handy for hooking the cache off of its perch!
Last cache of the day up a tree (funnily enough) on the edge of a bomb crater!  All three made a very pleasant change, there's nothing like a challenge.

Giving way to the locals on the way home (taken through the car windscreen).

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