Wednesday 30 July 2014

Ocean Village, Southampton Re-visited

Wednesday 30th July 2014

We last had a wander around Ocean Village earlier this year on March 7th, when it was a bit dull and colourless, well today was much hotter and brighter. 

The marina.

The water may not be crystal clear but there were some quite large fish mooching around in the weed at the edge of the marina.  We looked  them up when we got home and we think they may be mullet.  Whilst looking for fish we came across this,

a compass jellyfish which according to the internet is very common, but I've never seen one before.  It was fascinating to watch it moving about and it's whispy thin tentacles were very long  (just about visible in this photo).  As we walked on further we saw three or four smaller ones.

There is still plenty of work going on as the construction of the tallest residential building in Southampton continues.

This is a view of the same building from the other side of the marina.

I can't help wondering how some of the names of the boats are chosen for instance this one is the Flying Banana!

A passion flower - growing on the wall of one of the houses on the edge of the marina.

We walked on round until the Itchen Bridge came into view, just to the right of this photo there is a great deal of construction work under way on the old Vospers site at Woolston.


Looking further on round there is plenty of evidence of the docks.

It's alright for some!  This sailing cruiser was absolutely massive (46 metres).

And so ends a quick tour around Ocean Village, a lovely place with plenty to look at.

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