Sunday 13 July 2014

Millyford Bridge

Sunday 13th July 2014

We got out early this morning, hoping to beat the traffic into Lyndhurst and to avoid the people in the Forest, both of which we did. There are lots of sweet chestnut trees alongside the track and at the moment they are covered in catkins,

which according to our tree book produce a sickly sweet smell, well I obviously didn't get close enough as I couldn't smell them.

Here's the whole sweet chestnut tree, looking at it, I couldn't smell the catkins as they were too high up!

In places the track was 'moving' with wood ants tramping around on a mission, especially near the ant hill, there was a mass of ant action here.

The Highland Water - looks like we have all the makings of an ox bow lake here - referring back to Geography lessons at school!

Amongst the fir trees, the sky looks washed out and boring but in fact it was a lovely bright, sunny and hot morning, so I took another photo to prove it -

the evidence - excellent stuff!

In my last post I went on a bit about funky unusual ferns, these are the common ferns seen all over the Forest, I thought I ought to take a photo of these as they too are funky and quite tall now.

We didn't see a great deal of wildlife again today but there were  plenty of birds, ants, dragonflies and damsel flies.

This is a photo of a golden ringed dragonfly, taken a few years ago but it's the same as the ones we saw up and down the river today - they looked just like miniature helicopters in flight.

After just under four miles it was back to the car and home for some well earned lunch.

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