Sunday 20 July 2014

North & South Bentley Inclosures (Stoney Cross)

Sunday 20th July 2014

Phew it was hot and humid this morning, just wandering along was sweaty work, although there was a bit of a breeze now and then, it didn't seem to help much.  On the way to Stoney Cross we caught up with a vintage car, it struggled a bit on the steeper section of the main road so I managed to get a photo (through the windscreen) - I particularly like the picnic basket on the back - it's a shame they don't make cars like they used to!  I am in no way an expert on cars so I don't know what it is, it looked small from behind but when we turned off and could see it from the side it looked to be bigger and grander than we initially thought.

The tyres only looked a bit bigger than those on a mountain bike!

I'm not so sure that the picnic would stay dry in the rain but there's no chance of rain today.

Today's colour walking across the heath on Stoney Cross was most definitely yellow, flowers of various varieties but all yellow.

Evidence that there were once buildings here on the airfield during the Second World War.

Despite the dry weather we've had for some time now, the ground in the foreground was still  quite boggy,

and the ford had dried up completely.

A little further on we came across large piles of composting ferns, and

small bales of what looked like more coarse heather type 'stuff'.

A beautiful sky.

Driving home a shetland pony and three young ones crossed the road in front of us, they were very sweet but don't look as small in the photo as they actually were.

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