Friday 11 July 2014

Fritham and back via Amberwood, Alderhill and Sloden Inclosures

Friday 11th July 2014

Today we had a hot and humid five mile circular walk from Fritham via Amberwood, Alderhill and Sloden Inclosures, onto Fritham Plain and back to the car.  It was a quiet and peaceful walk but lacked any wildlife, we didn't even see a single horse.  However we did see masses of butterflies, a few dragonflies and one or two birds but there was still plenty to take photos of, including this

fragrant blooming honeysuckle.

Latchmore Brook flowing on one side of the bridge, but.......

not on the other!

One thing we did notice today is that many of the oak trees are looking quite sparse, there's  a lot of sky visible through the canopy.

Some are beyond help, but.....

after the wet autumn and winter there are lots of little tiny oak trees growing all over the place.

The Forestry Commission have been busy.

Very funky ferns, not the usual ones we see in the New Forest, (not that the usual ones aren't funky they're just everywhere!) 

Our lunch spot, in the middle of the Forest, on a posh seat dedicated to Eric Ashby MBE, a well known local naturalist and wildlife film maker.

Hot feet ready for a cooling paddle in the Latchmore Brook, but there was one problem,

there was no water to paddle in!

Out on Fritham Heath some of the heather is out already, in another month or so it will be a carpet of pink buzzing with bees.

Spot the difference between Green Pond today and

on 16th August last year.

I'm never quite sure how to end these posts, so for today this is .....


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