Friday 4 July 2014

Cygnets - Here We Go Again!

Friday 4th July 2014

There are cygnets back on the lakes on Southampton Common again, one family with five cygnets on the cemetery lake and one family with three cygnets on the boating lake.  It's always easier to photograph the family on the boating lake as it's possible and much easier to get closer to them.  A small dog was giving one of the adult swans cause for concern as we got to the lake, by just getting close to the lake edge.  The swan was hissing and doing the aggressive wing arching thing but it soon calmed down once the dog had gone.   

Those feet!

Relaxed, happy and preening (warm in the heat too I would imagine).

The Boating Lake is much clearer this year, it's possible to see the bottom of the lake now, maybe because it was drained earlier in the year?

Forty winks - look at that little wing covering it's beak, it's hard to imagine that these cygnets will be as feisty and protective as it's parents.

The whole family - I hope they all grow up safely, we'll keep an eye out for them over the coming months.

We also saw a family of mallards and a coot protecting it's nest on the cemetery lake, there were at least two babies, possibly more but they were a bit too far away to be sure. 

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