Sunday 3 November 2013

Wootton Bridge Near Holmsley

Sunday 3rd November 2013

This morning we walked from a car park at Wootton Bridge near Holmsley in the New Forest. We found the first geocache of the day close to the car park then walked on into the trees where once again there was plenty of mud.  There is however one good thing about mud and this is that it makes it  easy to see if deer have been about, although we didn't see any today. 

Deer were here!

The trees are slowly beginning to change colour and the forest is looking good, here are a couple of autumnal photos from our walk.

Sun through the trees - nice!

Masses of acorns again today.

This photo was taken at the second geo-cache of the day.  After we had finished at the cache, one of these ponies followed us for a while which was quite unusual as they normally give humans a bit of a wide berth.

This is the view we had from the car as we had a well earned coffee (and of course it would have been rude not to have had a biscuit too!)

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