Friday 15 November 2013

Anderwood Near Burley

Friday 15th November 2013

We are having our traditional Christmas family walk and picnic in a few weeks so today we went to the planned location at Anderwood to sort out a treasure hunt and get ideas for our walk.  

The leaves are gradually changing colour and the beech trees looked especially good today.

This pony came over to have a nose around, usually the ponies are a bit wary of humans but this one was lovely and friendly.

A New Forest scene.

And another one!

Funky fungi
We came across this fallen tree and fungi as we walked cross country to escape the mud and splodge of the track.

 The impressive colours of the beech leaves.

We walked a couple of miles, sussed out what we needed to for Christmas and had a picnic lunch.  As we sat eating our lunch we spotted a red admiral butterfly flitting around the outside of the car in the sunshine, it seems a bit late to see one now especially as it was quite cold first thing this morning.  

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