Monday 25 November 2013

Lyndhurst and Longdown

Monday 25th November 2013

We had a mooch around Lyndhurst this morning, something I haven't done for years.  I was very surprised by the number of coffee shops and tea rooms, there's definitely no shortage of places to eat and drink that's for sure.  The shop window displays are looking very festive and the high street looks ready for the Christmas lights switch on this weekend.  

We attempted to find a geocache that required us to find out various things around St Michaels churchyard but we obviously did something wrong as the eventual co-ordinates on the sat map would have taken us to the middle of a field!! Ah well, you can't win them all!

Whilst in the churchyard we came across this grave.

St Michaels Church (at an odd angle because it's on a hill and I was down it looking up!)

The wind was very cold, whipping across the church on the hill so it was good to get moving and get back to the warmth of the car.   Talking of cars, we saw this for sale in the Ferrari garage, yours for £89,995 - very nice too!  

We then moved on to attempt cache number two near Longdown.  We saw about fifty dogs of all different shapes and sizes, most of which were being walked by dog walking services (five vans emptied out loads of dogs that seemed to run in all directions - I'm sure the people were in control really!) 

 We have been to this area before and it looked a bit like this;

but since then forest operations have been in full force and it now looks like this;

quite a sad sight.  However we did find the geocache so all was not lost!

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