Thursday 21 November 2013

Southampton Common - Empty Lake & Heron

Thursday 21st November 2013

We haven't walked on Southampton Common for a couple of weeks and since then the change in the colour of the leaves has been quite dramatic.  We found a tree with enormous leaves, take a look at this!

We think this is a Norway Maple leaf?


It was quite a surprise to find that the boating lake has been drained apart from a very shallow bit at one end that the ducks were making the most of.  There is a great deal of silt and rubbish in the bottom of the lake so maybe a bit of clearance is about to happen.

The swans are on the ornamental lake now and the cygnets are going white at last.

A heron was not too worried by us at the other end of the lake on the island.  Not a good photo but I had zoomed in beyond the point of no return!!!!!  At least it looks like a heron shaped blob!

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