Wednesday 13 November 2013

Burridge Near Swanwick

Wednesday 13th November 2013

It was a bright and sunny morning so we decided to take advantage of it and go geocaching at Burridge near Swanwick.  We walked three and a half miles and the only people we saw were a group of happy (but muddy) ramblers.  This morning we had the first ground frost of the autumn (other than a light frost one evening a couple of weeks ago, that had gone by the morning).  This photo was taken just after 11 am when a few patches of frost lingered here and there.

A light frost here and there.

Back in May we started to try and find a geocache where we had to find multiple clues and locations to take us to the final cache position.  We ran out of time that day and decided to finish it off today.  The cache was pirate themed and the final cache container was this splendid little treasure chest, full of pirate treasure, it made a nice change.

A more unusual geocache container.

I have made my feelings about mud well known on this blog over the last year, and today there was plenty of it.  It didn't help that cows obviously use the track we were on and they had well and truly churned it into sloppy muddiness - not good for new walking boots!

We walked on aiming to find two more geocaches but we were within 100 metres of the first one when we came across a very boggy muddy area with a deep river to cross and no bridge. There was no way across and I was not impressed, so close and yet so far!  Incidentally this river has recently burst it's banks hence the mud and murk on the banks.

This river doesn't look much of an obstacle but it was fairly wide, the banks were steep muddy and slippery and the water was about 3 or 4 feet deep.

Lots of the acorns are shooting, hopefully some will grow into lovely oak trees.  As the saying goes from little acorns mighty oaks grow.

More storm damage, a large branch from an oak tree has fallen across the footpath.

We successfully found another geocache then made our way back to the car, through more mud!!!

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