Tuesday 19 November 2013

Testwood Lakes near Totton

Tuesday 19th November 2013

There was a freezing wind this morning as we walked at Testwood Lakes near Totton and it came as a bit of a shock as it's been so mild of late.  We walked a couple of miles, to the bird hide and back.  

Walking alongside one of the lakes to the bird hide, it looks idyllic but the wind was freezing.

Across the board walk.

The view from the bird hide.

The side windows in the bird hide look out over different types of bird feeders, one of the best visitors was this greater spotted woodpecker.  It stayed for a good five to ten minutes quite happily pecking at the peanuts in this feeder. Sorry about the quality of the photo, it was taken though a grubby window!

These are the birds we saw in just under an hour.

Green woodpecker                                               Chaffinch
Coot                                                                        Tufted duck
Moor hen                                                                 Mallard
Cormorant                                                              Great crested grebe
Canada geese                                                       Blue tit
Great tit                                                                   Wood pigeon
Black headed gull                                                  Blackbird
Magpie                                                                    Crow
Robin                                                                       Greenfinch
Pheasant                                                                 Starling
Goldfinch                                                                 Greater spotted woodpecker
Grey heron

and, lots of rabbits (sunning themselves out of the wind)  and a grey squirrel.                                                             

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