Wednesday 20 November 2013

Near Burley - First to Find - Sir Dudley's Ride III

Wednesday 20th November

We are officially feeling EPIC today, having achieved our second ever 'first to find' geocache. The cache was published yesterday evening and as no-one had been there by lunch time we decided to forgo tidying up the house and go for it!  The wind was icy and the ground as ever was soft, sloppy and muddy following rain this morning.  We were meant to be following a track of some sort according to the Sat Map, hmmmm there was no visible track anywhere just more mud.  Still we followed  roughly where the 'track' was meant to be and we got to our destination before anyone else - first to find at last - a difficult thing to do around our area as one particular person bags most of them at first light it would seem!  

First to find!!!  
Yippee (951 caches found and this was only our second ever 'first to find')
The name of this cache is Sir Dudley's Ride III - hence the title of this post today.

Not far from the cache, we crossed a waterlogged footpath.

Evidence of controlled burning.

A short section of decent track - all leafy and autumnal.

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