Saturday 2 November 2013

St Jude's Storm

Saturday 2nd November 2013

Last Sunday night into Monday morning St Jude's storm passed our way.  The wind gradually built up throughout the day on Sunday and by the time I went to bed it was whipping about wildly.  I was woken up by the wind and rain at about 4am and luckily by about 8am things were calming down. There were roads blocked all over the place in and around Southampton caused by flooding and fallen trees and branches.  Monday itself was a bright and clear day, the storm had well and truly passed on.  During this week we have seen plenty of evidence of the storm, here are a couple of photos of the damage caused.

One or two of the footpaths at Hiltingbury Lakes were blocked by large fallen branches.

Damage on Southampton Common.

Colours at the Boating Lake on Southampton Common this morning.

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